A D6 Legacy

This past Sunday, my message was titled, "A D6 Legacy." I thought I would leave an outline of my message for you. The message was based on Deuteronomy 6:1-9. A video that I was going to introduce my message was the promo video for the D6 Conference. Check it out at www.d6conference.com.

  • The Israelites have been wandering for 40 years at this point.
  • As they prepare to cross into the promised land, Moses gives them speech similar to what we would hear at a high school graduation. Preparing them to go into a "new land." We pass on the most important things at times like these. Think of these two points as you read the text.
We need to look to GOD for help in leaving a D6 legacy. A D6 legacy is:

Generational (vs. 1-3)
  • Importance of passing on "commands, decrees, and laws". This was not Moses' agenda, soapbox, or choice but instead what "the Lord your God directed me."
  • It was important that their faith be passed on to other generations. See vs. 2. Why? Because an entire generation died in the wilderness and therefore others need to pass on the commands to the younger generations since "their parents" are not alive to do it.
  • Focus is on hearing and obeying. It is not enough to know it, but it must be put into practice as well.
One (vs. 4-5)
  • Known as the Shema. Hebrew "to hear.
  • Needed to focus on worship of one God in comparison with the Canaanites who worship many gods.
  • Vs. 4-Our worship, affection, and attention is singular.
  • Vs. 5-Love God as The Message says, "with your whole heart: love him with all that's in you, love him with all you've got."
  • God wants our complete love not just our partial love. We cannot just love God with our minds or just our hearts. He wants us to love Him completely.
  • Quote from Voddie Baucham, "If we learn to love God, we will inevitably learn to love, period."
Daily (vs. 6-9)
  • These commandments (10 Commandments) are to be upon our hearts. They need to impact how we live. Love is at the root of obedience.
  • Vs. 7-"Impress them on your children." We are commanded to pass these truths on to our kids. The family is the primary spiritual teacher not the church. Studies show that mom and dad rank at the top in the spiritual influence of kids above pastors and teachers.
  • The church needs to partner with parents in this role, but parents cannot expect the church to take responsibility and complete ownership of the role.
  • Think of it like this: at best the church has our kids 4 hours out of 168 per week to spiritually equip our kids. Would a coach be happy with only 4 hours of practice per week? Would our teachers be able to teach our children in only 4 hours per week? Then why do we think the church can spiritually train our kids with only 4 hours!
  • Moms & Dads-you must be spiritually equipping your kids in the faith during the week!
  • My hope and desire as Associate Pastor of Family Ministry is to empower parents to more effectively reach their children for God and to help them understand the Bible and their faith. Some Scriptures to read are: Ephesians 6:4; Psalm 78:1-8; Proverbs.
  • The question you may be asking is this: "I don't where to start. How do I pass on my faith at home? No one showed me how to do it." Moses in vs. 7 tells us how. Vs. 7-Talk about them. We as parents need to pray and read Scripture with our kids, worship and sing together, interpret current events through a Biblical lens, deal with struggles with Jesus' help, etc.
Closing Questions
  • What do your money, time, energy, activities, and priorities say about your legacy?
  • Are you leaving a legacy of: materialism, athletics, intelligence, volunteering, work or loving God and loving others?


  1. Good, careful study and application of this passage, JL, thanks for putting it up so I could see it.


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