The Battle For . . .Quiet Times

So, anyone who knows me well knows I am not a morning person. I do not like getting out of bed. I always use the excuse that I am one of those people who needs a lot of sleep. However, I also know that my day gets off to a much better start if I wake up at 5:45 or 6:00 and spend time reading the Bible and praying. I know that I need to spend time alone with God to grow in my relationship with Him. We all know that for a relationship to grow whether it be parent/child, boyfriend/girlfriend, husband/wife, friend/friend, etc.--we must spend time on that relationship. The same is true with God. So, why is it so hard?

I thought I would share some of the lies that I tell myself or that Satan whispers when it is time to get up and spend time with God:

  • You had a long day yesterday, just hit the snooze one more time, you really need your sleep or you won't function well today.
  • I am so warm right now. I will freeze if I get out of bed right now.
  • Just hit the snooze one more time, you will have plenty of time when your alarm goes off again.
  • Your kids were up in the middle of the night and you deserve to sleep in.
  • You will have time to pray and read your Bible later in the day.
  • Does it really matter that you start your day this way?
  • You skipped yesterday, God probably is disappointed in you.
  • The kids are probably going to wake up any minute so why bother?
  • You will probably read your Bible or pray at some point today. After all, you are a pastor. Do you really need to get up and do this now?
  • I will get up when the alarm goes off. Hit snooze (again and again and again).
  • Don't share that you struggle in this area because you are a pastor and your church will surely get rid of you if others knew you skipped quiet times.
  • The lies could go on and on

What is the truth?

Psalm 5:3 says, "O Lord, in the morning you hear my voice; in the morning I prepare a sacrifice for you and watch."

Psalm 119:105 says, "Your word is a lamp to my feet."

Mark 1:35 says, "And rising very early in the morning while it was still dark, he departed and went out to a desolate place, and there he prayed." If Jesus who is God and sinless needed to get away and pray, then I know I need it as a human and a sinner.

The time is not as important as just doing it. Pick a time that works for you and spend time with the Lord. If you miss a day, don't worry-just pick up where you left off. There are a ton of resources out there, but I usually just read a chapter from the Old and New Testament and spend time in prayer (Adoration, Confession, Thanksgiving, Supplication). Know that Satan will always wage a battle in this area because he does not want us doing anything that will strengthen our walk with Christ.


  1. Thanks for sharing that J.L. It is so true! I still struggle with fitting MY own time in with God. It is and I think will be a constant battle for all Christians who truely desire to grow their relationship with Christ... because the at is exactly what Satan does not want us to do!
    See you in a couple of weeks:)


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