15 years ago today

15 years ago today, I took Bethany on our first date. Let me share the "complicated" story.

I can honestly say that I experienced love at first sight when I saw Bethany on the first day of orientation at Sterling College. She did not have the same reaction as I did. However, I really had decided after hearing about Bethany from my college roommate that she was someone that I could be interested in. But you might be thinking, "Does orientation begin in January?"

The answer is no. I was very interested in Bethany from day one, but I had a lot of changes that needed to occur in my life personally before she would ever be interested in me. I learned a great deal from Bethany over the coming months. She explained that she would never date anyone that she could not marry. Wow! That is serious. And at the time, I was not the kind of guy that she was interested in marrying. Spiritually, I was not very mature. My worldview was a little skewed. This forced me to seek the Lord wholeheartedly. I had made a decision to follow Christ after 8th grade, but I did not let that shape the way I talked or acted.

So, we began a friendship for the next several months. We talked a lot. I began to see how a Christian was to live. Things started to change during interterm (month of January) of our freshman year. We both took the class, "The Civil War." Our professor was a little lax as we were supposed to be in class all morning, but we usually spent less than an hour in class. This allowed for some great conversations and fun together. Everyone else was in class and we spent time at the snack bar.

About this same time, I had an interview for a summer job in Wichita and so I asked Bethany if she would go with me and then we would go eat because I was not familiar enough with locations and streets in Wichita. She said yes. Little did I know, that she understood this as a date and I as a man was clueless. I quickly learned from one of her friends that she was excited about our date. I didn't think she was interested in me so I was thinking this was just as friends. However, I was ecstatic because I still was very interested in her. So, I added a movie to our time together to make it "official." And the rest is history!

I am so thankful for the 15 year anniversary of our first date together. I could not think of anyone else that I would rather be with. She is a great wife and a wonderful mother.


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