Divine Appointments

I have been thinking a lot lately about Divine Appointments. I first heard this phrase from a friend of mine in Colorado. I even mentioned it in my sermon a few weeks ago on May 2. Within the past 2 days, I have heard K-Love talking about it and a song has brought it to mind again. In the book, Divine Appointments by Bob & Matthew Jacks, they write, "divine appointments often involve completely unknown quantities. They are, by definition, mysterious and often surprising. The time, the place, the individuals involved--all the details rest in the Holy Spirit's PalmPilot, not ours."

The song I mentioned is called Hosanna by Hillsong United and it has these lyrics at the end of the song:

"Heal my heart and make it clean
Open up my eyes to the things unseen
Show me how to love like you have loved me"

"Break my heart for what breaks yours
Everything I am for your kingdom's cause
As I go from nothing to Eternity"

So, how do I understand this repeated theme in my life? I think God is challenging me to be more available. As a pastor, I try to be available whenever possible, but as someone with the gift of administration (for a better explanation, this means I enjoy a plan and like to follow one), I can sometimes miss out on these "God orchestrated events". So, yesterday after having all of this on my mind, I prayed "God use me today. Help me to shine your light and be an encouragement to someone. Help me to see people, hear people, and speak to people as you would." During the day, I was able to have a unplanned conversation where I was able to encourage someone in their walk with God. Praise God!

In many ways, this is not that difficult. Yet, in others it is a major challenge. It is simple in that it does not depend on my own abilities, but instead letting the Holy Spirit to guide me in seeing, hearing, and speaking. It does not require a seminary degree or great knowledge or skill. But it is a challenge because I have to not be so busy that I miss out on these opportunities. It is hard because I have to be willing to step out of my comfort zone. I have to speak when it would be easier to "mind my own business."

I am learning more and more each day. So, my encouragement and my challenge to us is to be open to where God is wanting to use you. It will probably be in an unlikely place and we must be listening for God's prompting within us. Let me close with a prayer from the cover of the book, Divine Appointments. "Lord, open my eyes today to a person who needs to know You, and give me Your words to say."

I look forward to divine appointments this week and hope you will too!


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