House For Sale

As many of you know, we still have not sold our house in Iola. We have had a renter in it most of the past 2o months, but no contract to buy. God has provided in so many ways. We only have a had a few months of double house payments. Bethany and I have been at peace (sometimes going back and forth between the two of us) over these 20 months which is again an answer to prayer. First, we had a renter who paid rent on time. Unfortunately, that did not end well. Sometime ask Bethany about her time as a cleaning lady. : ) Lately, we have had a great family the past few months. They will be moving out at the end of June to go into ministry in Alaska.

We are trusting God for a buyer by the end of the month. Nothing is impossible for Him! I know His Will is best and He will sell the home in his timing. It is His Home and we just have not found the right family yet. As we were beginning to consider listing with a realtor, we again had two serious inquiries about the house. One will look at it this Friday and the other hopefully soon. This journey has been a good one, but I am ready for it to be over.

I would be remiss to say that we have not had any stress or worry over this. However, it has never been both of us (Bethany and I) at the same time. God has allowed the other to encourage the other when worried or stressed. I sometimes wonder and ask God why it has not sold yet. Satan and my flesh try to distract and discourage me. It has been a challenge even though every other aspect of our move to Hesston went so smoothly. God has sent some amazing blessings over the course of this time (see previous post when I share about three unexpected blessings-meat, SDC tickets, and cash in my van). I am keeping my eyes focused on Christ and trusting His best in this situation. Lord, your will be done. In my flesh, I want it now.

I appreciate all of you who have been praying for the sale of our home. I look forward to sharing soon that the house is sold!


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