The flu bug strikes again!

I had written in a previous post titled, "Black Friday" about Molly getting the stomach flu. That was about 2 weeks ago. On Tuesday, Bethany had the "privilege" of being the next one to get the flu. As I thought about this, I hoped and prayed that I would not be next. Everyone else has had a form of it already except for Megan and I.

But the flu hitting my house got me thinking about something, is sickness only physical or can it be used by Satan? Here is the reason I ask: Almost every time I am scheduled to preach, someone in my house is sick. This is not an exaggeration. I will preach 4 times this year and 3 of those someone was sick. That's 75% of the time!

Now, don't get me wrong. I don't think I am this super spiritual wonderful preacher, but when I do preach, I am excited! Since I don't preach 52 weeks a year, I have sermons percolating in my mind throughout the year and then they come out on paper when there is a need for someone to fill the pulpit. This year's messages have been the wise men, prayer, worship, and giving more. Each of these I have enjoyed studying for and delivering the message.

But back to my question: does Satan cause my kids or wife or myself to get sick to interfere with the Word being preached? Now, I don't think Satan is behind every bad thing that happens in my life. Sometimes it is just the fallen world we live in or is a result of my own sins or bad choices. Yet, I know Satan does not like the Word of God or worship, so can he mess with my family's health to keep me distracted or to miss out on what I am to share that week?

I would like to hear what your thoughts are on this subject. Please share your comments.

But just so you know, my first line of attack was to pray fervently myself and ask others to pray also.


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