Driving & Praying

This week, I had a meeting in Wichita which is about a 30 minute drive from Hesston. As I pulled out of town, I started praying. I had just read some great books at the Perk and was processing that information. As I drove down the highway, things I had been thinking and praying about for months started to shape into a "God idea".

How do I know? First of all, I had this thought before but had always dismissed it because I don't have the skills or time. Second, it was something that I would never decide on my own. Third, as the idea became more clear, I got excited! A few months ago, this would not have brought about the same response. But now, I was energized and now I am looking forward to putting it down on paper.

You might be asking: what is it? Well, you will have to wait. I hope as I begin to pray and write that God will do a great thing in this project. Looking forward to this afternoon when I begin.

My encouragement for you today: be patient to wait on God's timing for things in your life and be faithful in prayer. I have prayed about this often, but today it made sense and became clear. Lastly, be a lifelong learner. Always be reading the Word of God and other books to stimulate and challenge your thinking.

Have a great weekend! I plan to as I look forward to going to the Shockers game on Saturday with my son. Moms & Dads-take your family to worship on Sunday. Dads, you need to take the lead.


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