Be the Church

I have experienced wonderful blessings the last several weeks. They were all related to being the church rather than just going to church. Now, do not misquote me and say that I have given you permission to not got to church. Church is important and is God's plan for saving the world. We have the privilege to hear God's Word taught and preached and to use our gifts in service and to encourage fellow believers. But if all you do is show up on Sunday and go on with the rest of your life the rest of the week, you are missing the blessing of being the church.

Remember the activity in Sunday School where you hold your hands together and say, "this is the church, this is the steeple, open the doors and see all of the people." Thanks Aunt Kay Jean! But this simple children's activity reveals that the church is not a building, but the people. We are the church!

I cannot tell you how many ways I have seen God use people in the last few weeks.We have the great opportunity to show Christ to people in our daily lives. It might be in an encouraging word, praying with a friend, serving at a homeless shelter, school, or home. It might be giving of your finances to someone who is in need. It might be being in an accountability group or Bible study or small group. The point is: we need to be the church. Jesus wants that for us. We need to point people to Him. The only way we can do it is if we stop thinking that church is only what happens on Sunday, but also what we as the church go out and do.

I hope you will worship at a local church this week, but don't forget that we need to be the church 365 days a year too!


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