Eyes Watching You

Today is "Daddy Day" in our house. This just means that it is my day off and I am home with the kids. Molly and I were sitting in the doctor's office this morning and I started to bite my nails. I looked up and she was watching me and then she started to bite her nails. I told her to stop and she said, "why-you are doing it?" Ouch. An innocent bad habit, but my daughter saw me do it and decided to copy.

As I thought about this simple example, I am reminded about the power we as parents have on our children. All of us as sinners have areas that we struggle with. Sometimes these bad habits or sins are seen by our children. Because they trust us, they decide to copy our behavior. What behaviors are you passing on to your children?

Do they see you talking harshly about a friend or co-worker? Or do they hear you blessing or encouraging someone? Do they see you with your eyes on a TV show? Or do they see you praying or reading your Bible? Do they hear you talking about a man or woman who is "good looking or hot"? Or do they hear you express your love to your spouse or showing them affection? Do they see you always heading out the door to spend time with friends? Or do they see you taking them on a daddy date?

I am not perfect. But this simple example is a reminder that my children are watching their dad and might copy my behavior. But when I mess up, I need to be willing to ask for forgiveness and explain that I have sinned. Then also remind them that I will occasionally let them down, but that Jesus will never let them down. He is the true example and the One who we should seek to imitate.

Here's your reminder today: little eyes are watching you!


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