What's Next?

The theme for the D6 Conference this year was NEXT.  Brian Haynes shared his next steps on his blog. So, what is next for Hesston MB as a result of my attending the D6 Conference? 

Here are a few thoughts:
  • Always keep the gospel at the center of everything we do.  David Platt reminded us that God's kingdom is more important than our family. 
  • Always return to the root rather than focus on side issues. Voddie Baucham challenged us to not spend all of our time fighting the hot button issues of the day (abortion, homosexuality, politics, etc.), but to remember the root of it all began in Genesis 3 with our sin.  Our only hope for victory in the culture war is the Promised Redeemer, Jesus.
  • Always remember that we are called to make disciples.  For those with children, it starts with them.  For grandparents, it is discipling your grandchildren and children.  For those without children, it is discipling those around you.  We are all to make disciples.  This is the fruit of John 15.  
  • Always approach how we serve in our churches with humility.  At D6, you hear a lot of great ideas.  A lot of them are in agreement as to the need for church and home to work together.  All of them have their opinion to what that looks like.  We need to pray and ask God to show us what He wants done in our church.  For me, it includes some ideas from Watermark Church on date nights, some marriage mentoring and couples in crisis ideas from AMFM in June, a little focus on ministry outcomes from Legacy Milestones by Brian Haynes, equipping parents through Sunday School from Take It Home by Holmen, and some help with Family Nights from Standard Publishing called F3.  This reminds me that we need conferences like D6 to help us hear about resources and ideas and then we must return home and ask God for wisdom to implement it.
So, what about you?  What are your next steps after D6?  


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