Jesus + Nothing = Everything Quotes

I am now three chapters into Jesus + Nothing = Everything by Tullian Tchividjian.  So, I wanted to share a few quotes from chapter 3. 
"What are you missing in life that prompts you to go after this particular addiction? They're deciding to yield to that addiction, to give themselves to it, to embrace it, because something else they crave is lacking."
"Identify where your restlessness is rooted--because that's where a confrontation with the gospel is needed."
" In fact, when it comes to Christian life and experience, many of us have understood the gospel as the thing that gets us in, while the thing that then keeps us in (we assume) is our own effort and performance.  We recognize that the gospel ignites the Christian life, but we often fail to see that it's also the fuel to keep us going and growing as Christians."
"John Calvin famously said that all our hearts are idol-making factories. . . An idol is anything that's usurping the proper place of God in our lives."
"So what are you trusting in, other than Jesus, to gain acceptance or approval, to experience security and significance, to find meaning and purpose, to discover identity and direction?"


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