Your standard is . . .

A few years ago, Bethany and I attended the Song of Solomon Conference in Springfield, MO.  Mark Driscoll was the speaker.  He did a great job and it was a great experience for us.  One of the things Mark said to husbands was, "Your wife is your standard of beauty."  That quote has stuck with me. 

Too often as men we are distracted by the plethora of women we see in magazines, TV or movies.  We can start to compare our wives to these other women.  If my wife looked more like _____________.  We then set the standard of a perfect 10 with these women.  Driscoll's quote was right on.  My perfect 10 is Bethany and no one compares to her. 

But as I was driving today, I started to wonder about romance.  With Valentine's Day over and all these romantic movies being released, do women compare their husbands to the great movie actors?  Is a wife disappointed because her husband didn't act like a character in a TV show or movie?  He didn't say the right things or do the most romantic things yesterday.  Ladies,  could the question be for you, "Your husband is your standard of romance."  Unfortunately many women are disappointed and frustrated with their husbands because they don't act or talk a certain way.  Is it because we cannot live up to a well written script?  Is this standard of romance unattainable for most guys?

Now, guys, this does not get you off the hook.  You need to romance your wife. You need to tell her how much you love her and write it out in cards or letters.  It is important for you to date her even after you get married.  You need to serve, protect, provide and love her as Christ loves the church.  What does she love?  Go and do it.  Does she like flowers?  Buy them.  Does she just want to sit and talk?  Do it. 

So, husbands and wives, remember your spouse is THE ONE FOR YOU.  Don't go looking for someone else when your "unrealistic expectations" are not met in beauty or romance.

What are your thoughts?  Do you agree or disagree?


  1. Oh yes. It's not just men that need to hear that. Women need to too.


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