Gospel Centered Discipleship

I finished Gospel Centered Discipleship by Jonathan Dodson on Thursday.  I highly recommend the book.  It along with Jesus + Nothing = Everything by Tullian Tchividjian have been great reminders of the importance and need to focus on the gospel for all of life not just salvation.  I plan to share some quotes over the next few posts about the book. 

"the gospel of grace wasn't just something that makes you a disciple; it matures you as a disciple."
"Instead of being the church, we have fallen into merely doing church, and far too often our doing is disconnected from being."
"But the biblical gospel is much more than personal conversion to gain a reservation in heaven. It is conversion to Jesus Christ as Lord. Moreover, the gospel has two more "thirds." The gospel calls us into community and onto mission."
"Unfortunately, many of us have a disembodied Jesus, perhaps a bobble-head Jesus, all Head and very little body."
"When we act as the church toward one another, we display the gracious, redemptive reign of Jesus to the world."
"In order to nurture the field and increase the harvest, we must be involved in one another's lives.  This means surrendering our rights to individualistic privacy, convenience, and comfort."
"Community and mission are second to Jesus' glory, but Jesus pursues his glory through community and mission."
"We get to struggle with and for one another to believe that Jesus is better, richer, sweeter, and deeper than anything else in this world."


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