Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler

I began reading Explicit Gospel by Matt Chandler last week.  And even though I only got through the introduction, I am excited about the content of this book.  You might notice a theme in the books I am currently reading.  All of them are focused on the gospel.  You might say, "All Christian books are, right?"  I would encourage you to look to the Scriptures and see how you would personally define the "gospel."

Here are just a few quotes from the introduction:

Dave Harvey writes, "The Gospel is the heart of the Bible. Everything in Scripture is either preparation for the Gospel, presentation of the Gospel, or participation in the Gospel."
"we have a tendency to think that the cross saves us from past sin, but after we are saved, we have to take over and clean ourselves up. This sort of thinking is devastating to the soul."
"If you add to or subtract from the cross, even if it is to factor in biblically mandated religious practices like prayer and evangelism, you rob God of his glory and Christ of his sufficiency."

Check back later for more quotes and thoughts on the gospel from Matt Chandler.


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