Favorite Quotes from #d62012

I again thoroughly enjoyed my time at the D6 Conference in Dallas.  There were many great speakers and workshops.  For detailed notes from these speakers, check out the most recent posts of this blog. I hope to share a few take-aways in the next few days as well as some themes that emerged for me.

But for today, here are some of my favorite quotes:
"Discipleship is spending time with people and letting your Christ-likeness rub off."                (Jim Wideman)
 "The Gospel is not you do. It's Jesus did." (Ed Stetzer)
"Constant contact with our Creator is essential to fulfill our calling." (Pete Wilson)
"Could you be an expert at God's service and a novice at being God's friend?"               (Richard Ross) 
 "You were signed by God." (Mike Glen)
"Students are over-exposed to information far earlier than they are ready. Students are under-exposed to real life experiences far later than they are ready." (Tim Elmore)
"This (God's Word) is the only sword you take in your battles." (Beth Guckenberger)
 "What a man surrenders to will determine his outcome as a man." (Dennis Rainey)
"#1 area teens as a whole are learning about sex is pornography." (Sean McDowell)
 "I am confident our kids can never be what they have never seen." (Fred Luter)
"Being right or winning is a really stupid relationship strategy" (Mark McPeak)
"God created me to be me. I am His masterpiece!" (Doug Fields) 


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