Do I believe the yes?

Yesterday, I wrote a post about "Check Yes or No" based on the book, The Gospel of Yes by Mike Glenn. I am continuing some thoughts today based on our identity in Christ.  Glenn shares these quotes:
"Jesus came to offer a life of more to all of us, no matter what happened before."
"Hearing the word but removes everything before it from our memory."
 "Sin is the great negation, the "no" that attempts to blot out the "yes" of Christ."
"Sin has a way of making us forget the goodness of God. Sin denies the presence and power of God in us and our world."
"For a total transformation of a person's life, the mind as well as the heart must change. We live the way we do because we think the way we do. The mess is in our heads before it is in our lives, but it moves from the mind to daily life."
"And part of thinking differently is letting go of old assumptions and preferences and accepting the preferences of God."
"Where Christ speaks "yes," sin says "no."
"Too many people spend their entire lives fixin' to get ready to follow Jesus. . .Jesus will start wherever you are."
"True change isn't about trying harder or working on a new plan. Until you can change your mind, anything you do will be filtered through a wrong mind."


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