Slow Driving, K-State Basketball, & A Blessing

Today, as you may know, K-State played Gonzaga at Intrust Bank Arena.  Mitchell received tickets as an early Christmas present.  My brother-in-law and dad were going to meet us at the game.  However, the weather did not cooperate.  

Mitchell and I left Hesston a little after 12:30 and it was only sprinkling.  By the time, we left Newton it had just started to sleet.  Roads were still fine.  However, that all changed around Sedgwick when the roads became slick and an accident on the other side of the highway slowed everything down.  I prayed and prayed and drove slowly.  We were thankful to make it to Wichita before the roads became too bad.

I tried to find someone before leaving Hesston to use the other two tickets that were available now.  By the time we reached Wichita, I had given up on that thought since I was not going to stand around outside in the cold to try and sell the tickets.  As we approached the entrance, I told Mitchell I needed to go to "Will Call" to get extra tickets.  A couple in front of us asked, "Do you have two extra tickets?"  I said yes.  When the man turned around, it was Tom Strickler.  About that time, Julie Strickler turned around and noticed me.  

Who is Tom & Julie Strickler?  They were a great couple from our church in Iola, KS.  Their son, Jordan, was playing in the pep band at the game.  They were just going to buy tickets at the game, but we sold them our extras.  But the best part was getting to catch up on things in our lives.  It was an extra blessing that I did not plan on today.  

This experience reminded me that God cares about all our lives and not just the big things.  He is in the details.  Out of 13,000 people, the one couple who needed tickets walked up to the entrance at the exact same time as we were.  It also "happened" they were someone who we knew and enjoyed getting to sit with.  

Thank you Jesus for the little things in life and for a great game (even for this KU fan) and for safety on the roads to Wichita and back.


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