Matt Chandler at #2014Liberate Conference

Matt Chandler was up first at Liberate 2014.

His message was from Romans 8.

"The older I get, the busier life gets."

The tendency, if I am not careful, is to take my relationship with Christ and add it on to my busy schedule rather than let it be the defining relationship.

If God is an add on, then we are saying we are own god.

How does our relationship with God function and work?

His focus: those he called

If you got saved by saying the prayer, we are witches.

God was wooing me, but it was not because I was trying to get better. It was when I was at my worst.

To those he called, he also justified. We as a culture should get this doctrine. We love the law.

Justification means to be pardoned. Galatians 2:15. 

Our story is not I helped myself.  I pulled myself up by my bootstraps. 

The King has banged the gavel and pardoned our past, present, and future sins.  If you don't get justification, you will run from God not run to Him.

We never make the turn to understand we have a just judge and also a loving Heavenly Father.

Lauren Chandler " Even though I am a pastor's wife, I don't have it all together.  I need the gospel every day."

I have to preach the gospel to myself all the time.  

Can we get our mind around God's love for us?  That He delights in me?  That He enjoys me?

Romans 8:15-He is the creator of everyone.  But only the Father to some.

All of us have bought into one of these version of lies about our slavery:
1. A better version of me will solve the problem
2. Wanted other people to validate you
3. The world beckons to us-here is what you need.
4. Religion-tip the scales in my favor spiritually

Holy Spirit reveals these lies of slavery and I can repent and grace is lavished on us.

How does the Spirit testify to our spirit? 2 ways: have desire to obedience to God though imperfectly executed & gladness of heart in the Lord

Questions at end of Romans 8-have you seen my Dad?

Inheritance-3 ways-reign with Jesus in new heaven and earth, resurrected bodies, we get God

Good news of the gospel is we get God regardless of our circumstances.

God is at work in the mess.  

God was grieving with, strengthening, and walking with my family during my tumor.

Do you think God has regrets?  


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