Quotes from The Power of Right Believing

I finished reading The Power of Right Believing  by Joseph Prince several weeks ago.  I thought I would share some quotes today:
The enemy knows that if he can control your thought life, he can manipulate your emotions and feelings. . . The devil's strategy hasn't changed-he is still using lies, accusations, guilt and condemnation to ensnare believers today and to make them doubt God's perfect love, forgiveness, and superabounding grace.
Legalistic teachings always place the demand on man. Grace teachings always demonstrate how the supply comes from God.
The gospel is simple. It's all about Jesus. It's not about you. Christ is our righteousness. Christ is our obedience. Christ is our sanctification. Christ is our justification. Glory and boast in Christ and Christ alone. The enemy will try to make it all about you.
His grace and power work best when we stop striving and depend wholeheartedly on Him.
Right believing always leads to right living.
Worship is one of the easiest, yet most powerful ways of being free from self-occupation.
Ask God for big things!
God doesn't want us to have rigid rituals with Him. In the new covenant, He is more interested in having a relationship with us.
My friend, it's not about your love for God; it's about the Father's love for you. He is always the initiator.
In fact, it is the Father's love for you that gives you the power to overcome ever mistake, failure, and sin in your life.


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