Quotes from Gospel by J.D. Greear

I finished reading Gospel at the end of April. I highly recommend the book.  Here are more quotes on relationships, generosity, and mission:

It's impossible to really experience the grace of the gospel and not be transformed into a person of kindness, generosity, and love.

You destroy the evil in someone by showing them extravagant grace.

You are confronting them for their sake, because you are saddened by what their sin is doing to them, and what it is doing to your relationship.

We should give in grateful response to a God who gave everything for us. When we give to God primarily in order to get more from Him, we are not worshipping God; we are using Him.

Gospel-centered giving, by contrast, is characterized by freedom. We give in joyful response to the grace of Christ because there is nothing we'd rather do with our money than glorify Him and see His kingdom come on the earth.

a spirit of generosity is simply not something you can produce by establishing a standard.

"live sufficiently and give extravagantly"

Whether we should be involved in the Great Commission is no longer the question. How we should be involved is the question.

Just as He is the only one who can save, He's the only One who empowers and supplies for the mission.

When we present ourselves to God as willing goers, rest assured that He'll be a willing Sender.


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