Last post on Gospel by J.D. Greear

Here is my final post on Gospel by J.D. Greear.  I recommend you picking up this book.  The following quotes are from the final chapters of the book.
The more we taste the gospel, the more we love it. And the more we learn to love the things of God, the more time we'll spend doing those things, less by discipline and more by desire. We enter into a self-reproducing cycle of life. We are sowing to the Spirit, and from the Spirit reaping life everlasting.
The gospel isn't about work, after all; it's about resting in God's work on your behalf.
When we grasp how much God has given to us in grace, and we see how great the needs of the world are, we will want to work for God.
gospel-centered people offer themselves to God, joyfully, and then do whatever He directs them to do, knowing that only what He empowers them to do will do any real good.
 We simply carry out orders; He provides the resources.
the only thing that brings true spiritual growth is abiding in--dwelling in, thinking about, standing in awe of--what Christ has done for us.
Being told what to do cannot change me; only standing in awe of what God has done can.
The real damage of prosperity teaching is that it redirects our eyes away from God to His gifts.
The radical generosity of the church amazed the community, and it drew attention to the radical generosity of Christ.
God said repeatedly throughout the Bible that what would distinguish His people was the way He answered their prayers. Perhaps the only reason we don't see God move in our midst like they did was we don't ask Him like they did.
Love for God, Scripture says, flows from His love for us (1 John 4:19). The only way that love for God and others grows in us is through faith in the story of God great love for us--the gospel. 


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