Give More Message from Hesston MB

Give More-12/14/14-Romans 5:12-17

Introduction: Last week, Chris focus “spend less” and encouraged us to think about our money, energy, and time. The previous week, Jared talked about “worship fully.” My theme is Give More.  I want you to give more this Christmas, but instead of telling you to work hard to change your attitude and give till it hurts, I am going to challenge you with one point (unusual for preachers) to give more grace. You will discover that as we understand grace (head), and let those truths from God’s Word sink into our (hearts), we want to give more (hands).

Give More Grace
Has grace become too familiar? What is grace?

o   Grace = One Way Love title of Tullian’s book, definition of grace by Paul Zahl

o   The entire Christian life is lived under the reign of God’s grace. (Jerry Bridges)

Vs. 12-14-Sin (Bad News)

o   Vs. 12-entered world through one man, Adam, brought death, all people

o   Vs. 13-before the law, helps understand

Vs. 15-17-The Gift (Good News)

o   Vs. 15-Note the “much more”; for the grace of Christ brings not only physical life, but also spiritual life and abundant life.[1]

o   Vs. 15-One Man, Jesus-For many, gift overflowed.

o   Vs. 16-Sin led to judgment and condemnation; Gift brought justification

§  You and I are fully accepted and loved by God not because of our actions, but because of what Jesus has accomplished for us.  This is the theological doctrine of justification.  Elyse Fitzpatrick states “just as if I have never sinned and  just as if I always obeyed.”

o   Vs. 17-Death through one man (Adam)

o   Vs. 17-Life through one man (Christ)--Notice much more, abundant, another gift righteousness

Grace > _____________

Because Jesus died on the cross for us, we can freely receive the gift of salvation.

·         How can you give more grace?

Because when we know how much grace we have received and how much God loves us, we are free to give more grace to others.

"The more we have a heartfelt comprehension of God’s love for us, the more we will be inclined to love others.” (Jerry Bridges in Transforming Grace)

o   Are we people of grace? Is Hesston MB a place of grace?

o   I am using  a chart from Kyle Idleman's sermon series entitled Grace >  _________

§  No matter how great human sin becomes, God’s grace overflows beyond it and abundantly exceeds it.[2]

    RELIGION                            GRACE

                                Keyword:                        Do                                    Done

     Focus:                              Outward                          Inward

                                Foundation:                    Rules                               Relationship

                                Motivation:                     Shame                            Gratitude

                                Feeling:                            Fear/Frustration           Freedom

                                Outcome:                        Pride/Guilt                     Love

[1] Wiersbe, W. W. (1996). The Bible exposition commentary (Vol. 1, p. 529). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[2] Witmer, J. A. (1985). Romans. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 460). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.


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