The Justified Pastor

I would highly recommend The Pastor's Justification by Jared C. Wilson to all people in ministry.  It is also very relevant the Christian in general. Here are quotes from the chapter, "The Justified Pastor"
Left to my own devices and trusting in my own power, I can never be the pastor God has called me to be or the pastor my church needs. But the message of our faith is not "I am justified because I obey," but "I obey because I am justified." Embedded in the gospel is the power to fulfill its implications.
To be hidden with Christ in God is to be as secure as Christ is.

but there's great contentment to be had in finally realizing that the salvation of the souls of those in the pastor's care is not ultimately up to him. It is liberating to realize that the spread of God's kingdom in not ultimately dependent on the work of the pastor.

Herein is the justification for the sin-prone pastor: because of Christ's perfect work on your behalf, your failure, your daily anxiety, your unwillingness, your stress, your sin, your brokenness, your ineptitude, your ignorance, your awfulness, your regrets, your pride and your arrogance are not match for the deep and abiding grace of God given to you before time began and now and forevermore.


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