Names of God: Rabbi

We often forget.  We see throughout history the Israelites and the church forgetting. We need to be reminded often of who God is in Scripture, church history and in our lives and churches.

This is a new feature on the blog on the names of God.  Why?  Because these names are not just what God does, it is who He is.  I hope this will encourage you as you are reminded of how good, great, and awesome our God is.


Rabbi means teacher.

38 Jesus turned and saw them following and said to them, “What are you seeking?” And they said to him, “Rabbi” (which means Teacher), “where are you staying?” (John 1:38)

What it reminds me?  Jesus teaches us.  As a lifelong learner, I am excited to learn more about Jesus each and every day.  I love discovering how deep the gospel is.  I am thankful that Jesus reveals and teaches who He is. What a great God that wants His people to know Him.


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