More Quotes on the Gospel

I am continuing to read Gospel Centered Kids Ministry by Brian Dembowczyk and Gospel Fluency by Jeff Vanderstelt.  Below are quotes from each of these books:

 Obedience doesn't save. God saves. Obedience detached from the gospel doesn't please. Christ's righteousness pleases.

Focus on the external behavior and you will miss the internal heart, but focus on the internal heart and you will get both. That is the key to righteousness...And that is the key to gospel-centered transformation and application.  Go to the heart, and the hands will follow.

We have to point our kids to the heart over and over again just like Jesus did in the Sermon on the Mount. The heart is where the battle is won or lost. When we allow the Holy Spirit to work the gospel deep down into our kids' hearts, it will show itself in what they do with their hands as well. This is the kind of gospel transformation we are after. Helping our kids trust in the gospel, find acceptance from God based on Jesus taking their sin and giving them His righteousness, and living in obedience out of love and gratitude.

The gospel is the power of God for salvation for our entire lives.

Too many people forget the life of Christ when they talk about the cross of Christ...The righteousness revealed in the gospel requires the perfect obedience of Jesus.

God doesn't just want us to have a zero balance in our sin account. He expects us to have a full and complete balance in our righteousness account.

The gospel doesn't just bring about forgiveness of sins and save us from hell. The gospel of Jesus Christ empowers us to live a whole new life today by the same Spirit who raised Jesus from the dead.

What is the work we are to do? The work we do is believe. We are to believe God. We must believe his word and trust in his work.


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