Tweets and more tweets

Here are some of my favorite tweets from the last few weeks.  This is one of the blessings of social media where we can hear the gospel from people all over the world. If you like the tweet, go and follow the person on Twitter.

God’s story tells us who we are and who God is, and it tells us of the new identity, “the children of God”, that he gives everyone who believes in him. @PaulTripp
Similarly, what great occasion he gives us to contemplate his mercy when he often pursues miserable sinners with unwearied kindness, until he shatters their wickedness by imparting benefits and by recalling them to him with more than fatherly kindness! (John Calvin)
New Year's is the annual festival of we're -Not Good Enough -Not Skinny Enough -Not Nice Enough -Not Smart Enough It is the unholy day of the Little Law that always accuses us. Today, and every day, hear this: Christ is our Enough In him we are 100% pleasing to God. @birdchadlouis
 God's resolution for His children ... Steadfast love. Unending Mercy. Great faithfulness. @pauldunk
The author and perfector of your faith has resolved to hold fast to you. This year and every year. @danemeryprice
Our idea of salvation is to get stronger, clean ourselves up, and get nearer to God, all in our own strength by our own willpower. Instead, the gospel is that Jesus went all the way down to the pit to save you. He doesn’t save good people; he saves sinners. (Jack Miller) 


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