Sermon Notes at Hesston MB from God is Good and Great

Introduction: A.W. Tozer writes, “What comes into our minds when we think about God is the most important thing about us. And the second is what we think God thinks of us.”

Opening: How do you view God?
1. “Sinners in the Hand of an Angry God”-God is up in heaven mad and waiting to punish us.
2. Genie God-you just ask God for what you want. No relationship just for the purpose of getting things.
3. Distant God-God created the world and got things started.  Now it is up to us as humans to save the world. God is not personal or interested in relationships just to be respected and worshipped.
4. Santa Claus God-He is making a list and checking it twice.  Trying to find who is naughty and nice.  Or could be called Karma God (you get what you deserve) Our status with God is determined by our behavior and righteousness. He gives gifts to the good, punishes the bad.
5. God Bless the USA God-America is now God’s chosen nation and we better repent of our sins or God will turn his back on us and pour out his wrath on our country.
6. Mirror God-Anything we don’t like in Scripture about God, we ignore and God starts to look a lot like us (loving what we love and hating what we hate). We become the authority in our lives rather than God.

Our view of God needs to be Biblical not based on our favorite author, teacher, speaker or even what we were taught.  We should ask ourselves, is our view of God based on the Bible or someone else’s opinion?

God is Good & Great in the Bible
• Vs. 5-Blessed be your glorious name & may it be exalted—Our names reveal something about us.
o My name-I am a Martin.  Many ask what my middle name is.  It is Langley which is my dad’s name. 
o God’s names throughout Scripture point us to not just to what He does but also to who He is.  On my blog weekly, I post a different name of God.  Here are a few: El Shaddai (almighty, most powerful); Elohim (one true God-Genesis 1:1); Yahweh Shalom, Jireh, Rapha,
• Vs. 6-Summary of last week’s God is…series sermon.  God is Creator.  He creates heavens, stars, earth, all that is in it, seas, life
• Vs. 7-You are the Lord God (Yahweh, Elohim)
• Vs. 7-Who chose Abram
• Vs. 8-Who made a covenant
• Vs. 8-Kept your promise-because God is righteous. Kept means not still to be determined. It is completed and finished based on who God is not based on people’s righteousness
• Vs.9-You saw the suffering (Egypt), you heard their cry (Red Sea)
o are you going through suffering or a difficult time? cry out to God. He hears your request, You are never alone
• Vs. 10-11-Makes a name for himself them through miracles
o Signs & wonders (10 plagues)
o Parted the Red Sea
• Vs. 12-Leads them by pillar of cloud (day) & pillar of fire (night)-way to go
• Vs. 13-God provides Law-spoke to Moses at Mount Sinai
o Regulations, laws, decrees, commands-just, right, good
 This entire chapter emphasizes all that God has given to his people. The Jews did not see the laws as a burden or something negative but as a gift of God to guide his people in society
 God’s way is best
 Purpose of the law-Points to end of ourself (we can’t keep it-we need a Savior-Christ)
• The law proves that we need God’s grace.
• Vs. 15-God provides bread & water
o Bread-manna (what is it?)
o Water-from a rock
• Vs. 15-God provides land
• Vs. 17-Even when they rebelled, God remained forgiving, gracious, compassionate, slow to anger and abounding in love.
• Vs. 20-Gave your good Spirit
• Vs. 21-God sustained them
• Vs. 31-Gracious and Merciful
• Vs. 32-Great, mighty, and awesome who keeps his covenant of love

God is Good & Great Now!
• How is God good and great in your life?
• Personally
o Good-Bringing us to Hesston, Selling House in Iola
o Great-Prayer for Camp
• Psalm 34:8-Skittles

Closing: Because God is good and great, I am
• Chosen- “For he chose us in him before the creation of the world to be holy and blameless in his sight.” (Ephesians 1:4)
• Righteous- “God made him who had no sin to be sin for us, so that in him we might become the righteousness of God.” (2 Corinthians 5:21)
• Empowered—Kids Camp 2018 Theme Verse-“May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the Holy Spirit you may abound in hope.” (Romans 15:13)


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