Wednesday Morning Session at #USMB2018

 "Never once did we ever walk alone....You are faithful God, You are faithful."

Our speaker this morning was Brent Warkentin, Lead Pastor at First MB Church, Wichita, KS.

Ephesians 4:1-3

Every Christian has a calling.  Paul is pleading them to live out that calling.

Christians who "walk worthy"
  1. are completely humble
  2. are completely gentle
  3. are patient, bearing with one another
  4. love each other
  5. make every effort to keep the unity of the Spirit of the bond of peace
Love as a walk worthy Christian is balanced.  The list in 1 Corinthians 13 are not feelings, but actions or thoughts.

We are not responsible for the unity in our church, but we are responsible to make every effort to maintain unity.

What's unity? There's no definition that I've found. Is it theological? majority? strategic? I don't know how to measure unity. 

ligament-bond-When you are pursuing unity, it comes from the peace from God that we already have.

Unity is more about the kind of people that we are than a list of things we agree on.


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