Sermon Notes-"Shout Out"

Here are my sermon notes from my message today at Hesston MB Church based on 1 Corinthians 1:4-9.

Introduction: In our verses this morning, we will hear Paul giving some shout outs to the Corinthians but ultimately to God himself.  

God gives grace vs. 4-6

·         Vs. 4-I thank God for you

o   In what ways, have you told God thank you for the people around you?  What about those in this room?  Your Workplace? Your Home?

o   In our culture of put downs, name calling and negativity, it is refreshing to see Paul start with encouragement and praise even though Paul has some difficult things he needs to address.

·         Vs. 4-Why does Paul thank God?

o   Because of grace given you in Christ Jesus

§  Grace is “favor, goodwill, free benovolence, gift, benefit” offered or given by Jesus in spite of you.  You might say you don’t deserve it.  You are right. 

§  Jesus gives grace freely based on who He is not who you are or what you have done. Remember grace is given not earned.

o   The focus of Paul’s thanksgiving is the gracious deed of God, not the qualities which the recipients of this grace may possess in and of themselves.[1]

·         Vs. 5-In Him, you have been enriched in every way

o   Enriched is Greek word-ploutizo which means “make rich” or become wealthy. It is in the passive tense which means you are not making yourself rich but someone else is making you rich.

§  It is not just enough, but an abundance.

o   Speaking (logos)-Word

o   Knowledge (gnosis)-to know, inquiry, investigation

o   Certainly speaking and knowledge were the very gifts most prized by many in Corinth and even though Paul has some corrections to make regarding gifts (12-14) he does not criticize the gifts, but people’s attitudes toward them and their misuse.[2]

·         Vs. 6-Testimony about Christ confirmed in you

§  Gospel-Christ died for sinners

§  Response-Out of joy, delight, and gratitude, our gifts can point to Him

o   The presence of these gifts also bore testimony to the effectiveness of Paul’s message about Christ.[3]

o   Story from Lincoln Perk about a gift that bears testimony to Christ

§  Some history-God has often given me words or Scriptures.  While I was on a mission trip to Amsterdam my senior year in college, someone prophesied over me these words, “you get ideas in groups.”  And so over the years since then, often while praying with others, Scriptures will come to mind. At the MORE Healing in Hillsboro on August 3rd, I asked a question I had never considered.  Are these words or Scriptures given in groups for specific people?

§  As you may or may not know, I pray with Pastor Brad every Sunday morning.  I ask God for words or Scriptures to share with Brad when we meet.  On Sunday, August 4th, I was sharing with Brad some of the things God was speaking to me in Hillsboro.  I don’t remember his exact words, but what I heard was “I affirm this gift in you.”

§  Monday-on way to workout at Newton Y (circling since Easter from the book that was given out, Draw the Circle), a guy I often see on Mondays, I prayed and shared a verse.

§  Tuesday-As I was praying that morning, 4 different people came to mind and I was given Bible verses to share and encourage them.

§  Wednesday-Another verse for a different family

§  Thursday-I asked myself (and probably God too) as I drove to workout at Y.  All of these mentioned, I personally know.  What if this happens with someone I don’t know?  God answered the question while I was reading at the Perk (a regular routine on Thursday morning).  My attention was drawn to the door of the Perk.  A lady entered the building and I heard in my heart, God say Matthew 6.  Share this with her.  I don’t have Matthew 6 memorized so I opened my Bible and was praying, God am I hearing you correctly, are you sure?  What am I to tell her from Matthew 6?, she is going to think I’m weird, I’m afraid.  He drew me to words that are repeated 3 times in relation to money, fasting and prayer.  It says “your Father who sees what is done in secret, will reward you.” So when she came to pick up her coffee, I said you don’t know me but I am a pastor at Hesston MB.  She said, are you Brad?  I said no.  I shared my name and she knew Bethany from Faith and Life Bookstore.  I said as you came in God spoke Matthew 6 to my heart and He wants me to share these words with you.  After I finished, with tears in her eyes, she said “thank you”, I needed that today. 

§  Why do I share this story?  To testify to what God does in His people. The way God uses your gifts will look different than mine. It is not about comparison, competition, or conceit.  But if you know me, you know this whole situation was out of my comfort zone, but because the Holy Spirit empowered and equipped, I was able to share and He gets the glory.

God gives gifts vs. 7

·         Vs. 7-You do not lack any spiritual gift

o   What does Paul mean?  Is the focus on specific gifts?  All the gifts?

o   This verse helps us answer an important question in our culture. Why do we need to gather as the body of Christ?  We need to gather as the church and need brothers and sisters to encourage us, remind us of the gospel, point us to Christ and because we need all of the gifts for the church to be the most effective.

o   Focus is on the church not the individual.

§  It is important immediately to point out that these statements are about the church of God at Corinth, not about individual believers. If we are to know the fullness of God’s blessing, if we are to experience all the gifts of his grace which are ours in Christ, it has to be together in fellowship. No individual Christian can claim to be ‘not lacking in any spiritual gift’[4]

·         Vs. 7-As we wait for Christ to be revealed

o   Return of Christ, his second coming

God gives strength & security vs. 8-9

·         Vs. 8-He will keep you strong to the end

o   Notice the subject of the sentence.  God is the one doing the work.  You cannot keep yourself strong.  It must be a work of God.  It starts with God (vs. 8), secured by Jesus (I can do all things through Christ who gives me strength-Phil 4:13), empowered by Holy Spirit (Acts 1:8).

·         Vs. 8-Why? So you will be be blameless

o   Our security is determined by whether or not we are blameless.

o   their pardon will be due to God’s grace alone. There will be no room for Corinthian boasting on that day, except in God[5]

o   I love this line from Cornerstone “Faultless stand before the throne”  Do you believe this? Imagine this.  Your life has come to an end and you are standing before the throne of God.  Are you scared? Nervous? Worried?  If standing before the throne is based on how good JL is and what I have done, then I have a lot to be afraid, nervous, and worried about, but because I am in Christ.  I can stand faultless before the throne because of what Jesus has done. 

·         Vs. 9-Why can the Corinthians be confident?  God is faithful

o   Called you into fellowship with the Son-Trinity wants a relationship with us, they like us.

o   The character of God is the solid basis of their certain hope.[6]

Closing: As I close, I want you to give a shout out to God for what He has done in your life recently.  I would like you to write it down at the bottom of your notes page.  This may be an answered prayer, it may be a new friendship or relationship, it might be healing (physically, emotionally, spiritually), it might be a new gift God is empowering in you, etc.  As you write, the worship team will come forward and play and after a few minutes, we will close by singing together “Great is Thy Faithfulness.”

[1] Thiselton, A. C. (2000). The First Epistle to the Corinthians: a commentary on the Greek text (p. 90). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.
[2] Thiselton, A. C. (2000). The First Epistle to the Corinthians: a commentary on the Greek text (p. 91). Grand Rapids, MI: W.B. Eerdmans.
[3] Lowery, D. K. (1985). 1 Corinthians. In J. F. Walvoord & R. B. Zuck (Eds.), The Bible Knowledge Commentary: An Exposition of the Scriptures (Vol. 2, p. 508). Wheaton, IL: Victor Books.
[4] Prior, D. (1985). The message of 1 Corinthians: life in the local church (pp. 23–24). Leicester, England; Downers Grove, IL: InterVarsity Press.
[5] Ciampa, R. E., & Rosner, B. S. (2010). The First Letter to the Corinthians (p. 67). Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.
[6] Ciampa, R. E., & Rosner, B. S. (2010). The First Letter to the Corinthians (p. 67). Grand Rapids, MI; Cambridge, U.K.: William B. Eerdmans Publishing Company.


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