Tuesday Night at the Martin's

On Tuesday night, we had gathered together for our time of family worship. We have been exploring different ways to do this over the last few months. I finally decided to focus on Deuteronomy 6:4-9. We hope to memorize this passage as a family. I then told the kids that we would be looking at the "commandments" mentioned in these verses. So, we are starting with the most logical place and looking at the 10 Commandments.

I started thinking about ways to make this more interactive with the kids. So, I decided that each night we would look at one of the commandments and the kids are to come up with a creative way to explain or teach that commandment. I was so excited on Tuesday when I got home from work because the kids were practicing their activity for our family worship. They could not wait to get to family worship that night. Mitchell prepared a skit about worshipping the bear god or the only true God. Mackenzie made up a song. Megan did a dance. Molly joined in wherever she could. It was a joyful time of worship together as a family.

Here is a quick sketch of what we are doing:

Opening piano music (alternates between kids)
Scripture: Deuteronomy 6:4-9
Kid's Creative Activities
Bible Story that ties in with10 Commandment (last night Elijah and prophets of Baal)
Song (chosen by one of the kids)
Prayer (led by one of the kids)
Closing piano music (same kid as above)

I know every night won't go as smoothly as Tuesday, but it was great to spend time together as a family in worship in our home. I challenge all you dads out there to try and spend some time in family worship this week. Don't give up even if it does not go as planned. Our kids need to see how Jesus impacts our lives throughout the week and family worship is one way we can accomplish this.


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