Answered Prayer

What prayer has God answered for you today? It is important that we share with our children the little ways that God answers our prayers every day. Hopefully, we don't just pray when it is a "big" thing. By sharing these answered prayers, our children learn to trust and seek God in all things, not just the more difficult and large situations in life I have seen many prayers answered in the last day. But I am going to share one from last night.

I have been preparing to implement a new ministry to our 5th and 6th graders at our church. I had shared the new ministry with many people, but last night was the parent's meeting to explain the change and introduce them to the new curriculum. I had a polished presentation ready with a brief video to show from the Grapple website. It really needs to be seen to understand what it includes. I had been on the site most of the day. I had everything ready before the meeting began.

After my other meeting ended, I had about 20 minutes to get ready for the parent's meeting for the 5th and 6th graders. When I went to look at something on the site, it would not let me log in. I tried again and again and again. I restarted my computer. Tried again and again. Restarted my computer again. Tried other log ins and passwords from other leaders. Tried again. Parents started arriving. Tried again. It's 8:00. Still not working. I start the meeting and asked for the parents to pray with me that I would be able to get on the site. I get to the place when I would show video and it still is not working. I keep praying as I talk. I go through my meeting and it's 8:30 and I decide to try one more time. Praise God! It worked! I was then able to quickly fly through the details of the site. I shared right at that moment that God answers prayers. Our kids need to see and understand our God who answers prayers on a regular basis.

Side note: Sometimes the answer is wait or no, but that still is an answer.


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