Standing Ovation for God

As I was reading the Bible this morning, I came across the following verses from Psalm 145: 1-4.

"I will exalt you, my God the King; I will praise your name for ever and ever. Every day I will praise you and extol your name for ever and ever. Great is the Lord and most worthy of praise; his greatness no one can fathom. One generation will commend your works to another; they will tell of your mighty acts."

As we get ready for football season, I am reminded how we are quick to scream and shout and clap and jump up and down for our favorite team. I am convicted that I sometimes show more excitement on my favorite roller coaster, concert, or sporting event than I do for worshipping God. So, today I want to give God a standing ovation for the many great things He has done throughout history and in my life.

Here is my list:
  • He created the world! It is not evolution, it not by chance. It was our awesome and creative God who did it all. Think about it as you look at the sky, plants & flowers, the stars, animals and other humans.
  • He created you and me! I am amazed at how different I am than you are. God has created us with different looks as well as personalities. The world would be a scary place if it was filled with people just like me. I am thankful for the gifts God has given me and for the opportunity to use those gifts in the church. I am also thankful for my weaknesses so I must depend on God and others.
  • Prayer-I have been blessed in so many ways by prayer. We have a God who hears and answers our prayers. Sometimes the answer is yes, sometimes it's no, and other times it is wait. But God's timing is always right in answering our prayers. My spiritual life has been dramatically impacted by times spent in prayer. On days when I hit the snooze one too many times and I don't spend time in prayer, I definitely notice it. God has answered my specific prayers such as moving to Hesston, no bed rest for Bethany while pregnant with Megan, areas related to ministry decisions, and for specific people I have prayed for over the years.
  • Provision-God provides! He has provided for Bethany and I so many times over the years. I cannot tell you how many times we have wondered how we will have enough to pay the bills at the end of the month and an unexpected check arrives. God has been faithful to provide for us with just one income. I have learned that I cannot out give God. He has provided vehicles at just the right time and provided a wonderful home in Hesston when we were concerned there were not any other options. We have not lacked in food or in clothing either.
  • Health-God has given us as a family good health. Despite Mackenzie spending two weeks in ICU when she was born and another hospital stay for pneumonia, she has been healthy ever since. When there were concerns with preterm labor with our children, God took care of it. Thank you Lord, for our health right now.
  • Family-Our extended family is a blessing to us. Both Bethany and I had great examples of parents. They taught us responsibility and respect and took great care of us. I enjoy the time we get to spend with extended family. I am also blessed by a wonderful wife and children. I cannot tell you how much of a blessing it was to spend a week on vacation together.
  • God is in control! It is not about me or you, but God has things under control.
  • God is all-knowing. Do you not know what to do? Ask God. He knows everything including the future and can guide your decisions.
  • God is all-powerful. Are tired or weary or weak? Go to God. He can carry your burdens and He has the power to do much more than we can ask or imagine.
  • God is always present. He is always with us. He has sent His Holy Spirit to dwell within believers. Feeling lonely or like no one cares, God is right there with you. Remember the poem, Footprints, He is carrying us in our most difficult times.
  • He is loving & just. He loves us unconditionally no matter what we have done, do, or will do in the future. He is also just and deals with all situations perfectly.
  • He sent His Son-God sent Jesus to die for our sins. Through Him, we are offered the gift of salvation. It is not earned, but given freely. It is Amazing Grace!
  • Too many more to list. I could go on and on, but I am going to stop here.
Why will you give a standing ovation to God today?


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