Ed Stetzer at D6

The opening session at D6 was Ed Stetzer, President of LifeWay Research. He was answering the question, "For parents who have developed children to be faithful and passionate Christ followers as adults, what exactly is it they did to produce such spiritual champions for Christ?

Here are some quotes from him:

Three things he brought out from Deuteronomy 6:4-9
  • The necessity of sharing your faith. It must be ongoing and repeated. This is not sin management but new life.
  • We must live the spiritual life. He talked about the importance of the rhythm of life (walk, rise up, etc.) We as parents cannot lead what we don't live.
  • There is a need for marking your home.
He then shared about a research project they had just recently completed answering the question above. He shared 7 predictors that occurred in the homes of effective parents. These are things that seemed to influence the spiritual development of their children. They are:
  • Regularly spent time in prayer
  • Achieved good grades (seemed to reveal more involvement from parents than anything)
  • Not rebellious
  • Connected with pastor or youth pastor
  • Did not use time out to discipline child
  • Regularly served at church. Too often our children and youth are taught to be passive spectators rather than regular participants
  • Participated in ministry or service projects as a family


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