Vicki Courtney at D6

The next speaker we heard was Vicki Courtney. She has written the book, 5 Conversations You Must Have With Your Daughter.

She shared what were the top 3 faith busters.

  • Model something other than love of God as your ultimate affection. If our children see our affection for anything other than God, it can dramatically affect their faith.
  • Fail to acknowledge your role as the primary discipler of your child.
  • Focus more on behavior modification than heart inhabitation. She shared we can become more concerned with our image maintenance than on what is best for our kids. We need to remember our kids are sinners just like we are. We need to ask when our children misbehave, "what was going on in your heart?" We need to constantly emphasize God's love story of redemption over rules. We cannot expect perfection.


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