Good Coffee & Good Conversation

I met a friend for coffee today at Lincoln Perk. We talked for about two hours about the journeys we are both on spiritually. It was amazing to see how God had us on similar journeys. This conversation was a reminder to me how nothing is by accident. It was also a reminder about how God's Word is truth and no matter what the world says, we must still be faithful and follow the truths of Scripture.

We focused a lot on our desire for fathers to lead their homes spiritually. We shared what we had each done and how healthy churches and communities start in the home. It was fun to hear what each of us had read recently. But we were both quick to recognize that none of this is possible without the grace of God. We are sinners saved by grace. The gospel is central to all that we do. It must start there.

It was also an encouragement for me as I prepare to present a workshop at the Southern District Conference of Mennonite Brethren Churches next week about being a faith at home church and home. Parents are not choosing to neglect responsibilities, but instead are unaware of what God's Word says regarding marriage, parenting, living, etc. Parents, you are the primary spiritual influence in your child's life. Don't abdicate that responsibility to someone else whether that be the church, a Christian school or college, or someone more spiritually mature. There are many great resources out there to help you get started. If you will be in Norman at SDC Convention next week, come and join us for our workshop.


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