Not the perfect parent?

I learned a long time ago that I was not the perfect parent. But rather than feel bad about it, I instead realized that it was necessary to come to this conclusion. Why? Because of the gospel of Jesus Christ. I am a sinner who needs Jesus daily not just on the day of salvation. When I try and portray myself as a perfect parent, I distort reality and the gospel.

I get angry and yell at my kids. I lose patience quickly. I sometimes would rather be alone and watch what I want or do what I want. I don't always discipline effectively. Sometimes my love for my wife and children is lacking. Can you relate?

But before you think I am advocating mediocrity, please understand that this realization of my limitations again points me to Jesus. Without Him, I am nothing. Remember the verse about the vine and the branches. I must remain in Him. In every aspect of my life, I need Jesus to help me.

We have been given a great gift in that we have the Holy Spirit living within us. Now, we just need to keep in step with the Spirit. How? Listening & praying. Not trying to accomplish things in our own strength, but instead in the power of the Holy Spirit. When we are led by the Spirit, the fruit shows-see Galatians 5.

So, rather than throw up our hands and say, "I quit." Let's instead turn to the only thing that can help-Jesus. Let's become the parents that God wants. Parents who rely on God for every decision we make, how to discipline our kids, how to train & disciple our kids, etc. And guess what? He is not looking for perfection either, but a relationship.


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