Don't Forget the Lyrics

Occasionally, when flipping through channels, we as a family like to watch Don't Forget the Lyrics.  If you have never seen the show, contestants have to fill in missing lyrics once the music stops.  It brings to mind the argument about lyrics.  Just last week, Mitchell was asking if he could listen to other stations than 99.1 and 90.7.  We had the discussion about being discerning about music choices because words can get stuck in our heads.  I don't buy the "I just like the beat argument".  Lyrics stay with us.

Here is an example.  Yesterday, after a busy morning at church, I had gone downstairs to watch some TV and maybe take a nap.  The nap won.  I turned off the TV and was drifting off to sleep.  Then I heard Molly playing with dolls in the corner.  She was singing, "Our God will not be moved.  Our God will never be shaken."  Great lyrics to be singing!  But here is the point.  We had just sang this song at church that morning and had never sang it before.  After only hearing it once during worship, Molly had already memorized a line from a song.  She is 4.

Parents, we need to be careful what we let our children listen to.  Let's fill their minds with lyrics and songs that will encourage them to Love God and Love Others!

P.S. As I type, she is now singing "Hip, Hip, Hippopotamus, Hip Hip Hooray God Made All Us. Hip, Hip, Hippopotamus, God Loves All of Us!


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