Fun Saturday

Yesterday was a great Saturday!  It started out by sleeping late.  For those who know me, this is a highlight. I love my sleep.  Then it was a lazy morning with the whole family at home.  It seems like this has not happened in several weeks.  Then Mitchell, Molly and I headed to the Turkey Shoot at the Middle School.  We had a good time and we each made a few free throws.  Bethany had to cover lunches at Faith and Life so Mackenzie and Megan went with her.

After the turkey shoot, we headed to Panda Kitchen for lunch.  It was tasty!  Then it was time for Mitchell to go to a basketball clinic at the high school.  So, Molly and I headed to the Wellness Center to swim.  We had fun playing some games and swimming around.  Towards the end, Molly decided she enjoyed the acoustics at the indoor pool and began making up songs.  Another lady in the pool commented on her singing and the "joy" she brought her as she sang.

We then picked up Mitchell and headed home.  Bethany and the girls were pulling in at about the same time.  Then we decided spur of the moment to head to Wichita.  We made a quick stop at World Market and Target before heading to Bethany's parents.   We ordered in pizza and watched the Wildcats win a great football game in 4 overtimes.  Then made another quick trip to see Bethany's brother's new house.  While there, we also met his girlfriend and daughter. We look forward to going to the Wings game with all of them next Saturday.  Then it was time to head home, but not before some Dairy Queen for dessert as we headed home.

It was a fun and enjoyable Saturday as a family!


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