Bonus Workshop at Orange Conference

Today, I was able to participate in a "bonus" workshop before the Orange Conference officially began.  I attended a workshop entitled, "Redefining the Family Experience in the First 30 Seconds."  Here are a few notes from the workshop:
  • First Impressions--Pay attention to your space focusing on smell, clutter, & cleanliness.  What does your children's space communicate to mom or dad?
  • Lose the Boring Colors.  Avoid beige, white, egg shell.  Bright colors can improve a space for little money.
  • Theming-If you can develop a theme, let it tell a story, think about design destinations, and provide ownership (does it connect to culture of the church?)
  • Check-In Areas--Make it big, Make it obvious, Make it fun
  • Signage (exterior & interior).  It should be visually engaging, completely intuitive, and up high for parents.
Check back after lunch for notes from Wednesday night's session.


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