Concerning Sex

Did I just say the word?  Yes, I did.  As I shared last week, I finished reading a book on marriage by Dave Harvey.  Here are a few thoughts from one of the final chapters on sex.

"We are called by God to become devoted to sexually satisfying our spouse."
Referring to 1 Corinthians 7:1-5, Harvey writes, "God has designed the sexual relationship as a key expression of this reality, for when sex is at its best, my delight in and enjoyment of sex is almost indistinguishable from the pleasure experienced by my spouse. The joy of sex, then, is the pleasure derived from giving our spouse his or her conjugal rights."
C. J. Mahaney said, "Indeed any married person who rightly sees these verses as commands from God will bring to the marriage bed a servant's mindset that places the primary emphasis on the sexual satisfaction of his or her spouse."
"We are called to depend on him at every moment and in every area--including our sex life."
"most sexual problems among married people are rooted in the heart."
"Scripture tells us that we serve an omnipotent and sovereign god who views sex as central and vital to the closest relationship two people can have."
This reminds me of Mark Driscoll's quote that tells us of the importance of being "servant lovers."

How are you doing in focusing on your spouse in the bedroom rather than your own needs?  Do you agree with Harvey's quotes?  


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