#OC12-Kara Powell at Orange

On Friday afternoon, Kara Powell shared some of her research of college students which became the book, Sticky Faith. I have the read the book and highly recommend it.  Here are my notes:

She started by reading Luke 2:41-47.  After reading this passage, she asked this question, "What does God intend for our church?"  Should we continue to separate kids, youth, and adults every time they come to church?  Or should the kids be able to sit at the adult table?  (This image was based on a dinner table experience at a meal where adults sit at one table in one room and the kids sit at another table in another room.)

She explained the difference between multi-generational vs. inter-generational.
  • Multi-generational is in the same room, but the ages stay together.
  • Inter-generational is in the same room but the different ages are interacting together.
She said the change does not have to be complicated.  You can continue what you are currently doing, but make it inter-generational.  She shared an example of a men's ministry that each year went paint balling.  They decided to invite the high school guys to join them to make it inter-generational.

She also shared a statement from Chap Clark which was what would happen if we changed the 5 to 1 ratio of kids to adults to instead be 5 adults to 1 kid.  How can we give our youth more adult interaction that will benefit their faith?

Do you want to help end the segregation that hurts kids and our churches?


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