#USMB-LEAD ONE in Wichita

On Thursday, May 3rd, the United States Mennonite Brethren hosted a LEAD ONE event at First MB in Wichita, KS.  LEAD stands for Leadership Education and Development.  The purpose is to provide leadership ideas for pastors and leaders.  I will be posting over the next several days information from that event.

We started our day with host pastor, Brent Warkentin sharing with us.  He shared eight characteristics of their leadership DNA.  They were:
  1. Character Counts
  2. Spiritually Strong (2 Peter 1:3)
  3. Start with a Yes
  4. Be Nice
  5. Balance of Discipleship and Evangelism
  6. Have a Positive Attitude (Philippians 2)
  7. Passion for Your Ministry; Enthusiasm for All Ministries
  8. Commitment to Excellence


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