Blessed to be a blessing

As you know if you read my blog regularly, I am reading The Genius of Generosity by Chip Ingram.  This very short book is packed full of challenge and encouragement.  Here are a few quotes I read this week:
"That's why the average Christian only gives about 2.5 percent of his or her income to the work of God's kingdom. Giving feels risky."
"Generous people give proportionally to the way God has blessed them."
"It's much better to drop our assumptions and expectations and ask God to lead us to the proportion that best reflects our heart and our income."
"God always blesses those who are generous, but it isn't always a material blessing."
"I firmly believe that the perception that stewardship and giving are guilt-laden responsibilities is depriving most Christians of one of the greatest joys of life."
"In the big picture, generosity is not deprivation. It's a shrewd investment for today and tomorrow."
"We can't ever out-give Him."


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