
I have spent the last two days sitting in dentist offices while my kids have had teeth filled.  During that time, I have tried to play on my cell phone while waiting, but have decided dentist offices must have something that interferes with cell phone signals.  Since I couldn't play Angry Birds or check email, I just prayed and thought. 

One thing that struck me was the process of numbing your mouth so a cavity can be filled.  Why do dentists do this?  Because we want to avoid the uncomfortableness.  I began to wonder how this applies to my spiritual life.  Two things came to mind. 

First, are we numb to sin?  Are there things in our lives that are hurtful to us that we dismiss because we like it or think we know better than God?  I can recall several examples where sin was before me and I did not flee or ignore it because I was numb.

Or, are we numb to the Holy Spirit?  Today, I was talking with someone and we were talking about the Holy Spirit's role in our lives.  It is interesting that as believers we always have access to the Holy Spirit yet choose to ignore him.  We like our control, the way we handle finances, relationships, conversations etc.  So, instead of seeking God's direction for every aspect of our lives we choose numbness over power. 

Now, I might be stretching this a little, but it definitely challenged me to think about sin in my life & the Holy Spirit.  How about you?  Are you numb today?


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