Iola House Closing!

Today we sold and closed on our home in Iola.  We moved to Hesston four years ago and have been trying to sell that house since then.  I have posted often about this journey, but I thought I would share some numbers this time.

  • 49 months on the market
    • 3 renters
    • 41 months of rent to cover mortgage payments
  • Number of people who gave money anonymously or paid rent for us = 4
  • Number of times our bills went unpaid = 0
  • Numbers of prayers that were prayed on our behalf = Thousands
  • Number of encouraging emails, cards, or words = Hundreds

Thank you God that your are Faithful & Jehovah Jireh (God who provides)!


  1. I’m glad it got finally sold. 49 months was a long stay in the market. You guys have a strong heart and mind to still push through with it. And I believe home sellers go through the same agonizing process as home buyers. I think it would’ve helped if you asked a professional to stage it for you. But that was over, so hear my congratulations! :)

  2. Congratulations!!! Your patience and hard work definitely paid off this time. I guess the support you get from your friends and family also helped you wait with a hopeful heart. =)

  3. I know it’s late, but congratulations on selling that house, JL! I should say that your time and effort in finding your special home buyer were all worth it. By the way, who’s the new home owner now? =)


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