Explicit Gospel

Today, I finished reading The Explicit Gospel by Chandler & Wilson. I will be recommending this book to others. It helps answer and define many questions I have been struggling with regarding our understanding of the gospel. You need to read this book! Here are some quotes from the last chapter of the book:

"Over and over again he (Paul) preaches the gospel to people who know the gospel."

"We must abandon the idea that there is condemnation for those who are in Christ Jesus! We must abandon the idea that our sins pile up on some scale that will earn God's punishment when tipped, as if Christ didn't take this wrath from us already on the cross. We must also abandon the idea that our good behavior somehow rubs the spiritual lamp that inclines God, like a genie, to emerge and give us the things we wish for."

"We fight sin with the weapons grace gives us: the blood of Jesus Christ, the Word of God, and the promise of the new covenant. . ."

"What ends up happening to so many of us is that we spend so much time trying to put sin to death that we don't spend enough time striving to know God deeply, trying to gaze upon the wonder of Jesus Christ and have that transform our affections to the point where our love and hope are steadfastly on Christ. The goal is this: that Christ would become more beautiful and desirable than the allure of sin."

"Church of Jesus, let us please be men and women who understand the difference between moralism and the gospel of Jesus Christ."

I look forward to discussing this book with others as we seek to truly understand the gospel is for our past, present, and future.


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