Monotony in your life?

Routines and rhythms are good. We need them in our lives in many ways such as chores, exercise, schedules, holidays. But what about our spiritual lives? Should our prayers, worship, Bible reading become routine? Steven Furtick in his new book, Greater, addresses this in Chapter 3. Here are a few quotes to ponder:

"When you start mindlessly plowing, activities like Bible study and church attendance begin to fall more into the "I have to" than the "I get to" category."

"Igniting God's vision starts with becoming more acutely aware of God's presence in your life."

"Sure God is everywhere, but it's a different thing to believe that He's personally watching over the intricacies of your life."

"It shouldn't freak you out to realize that God's eyes are on you. Because He doesn't see you through eyes of disapproval or disappointment. His presence is not a sign of condemnation. It's actually an invitation."

"God is often working behind the scenes of your life, orchestrating His destiny for you."

How is God communicating his vision for my life? Furtick writes, "Evaluate the interruptions He's using to knock you off rhythm. Examine the way God is aligning the truths in His Word with the context of your life"

"Other times you won't hear it so clearly. But if you'll position yourself in God-focused places and around God-centered people, you'll learn to hear God in greater ways over time."


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