The Gospel of Yes

On Thursday, I continued reading The Gospel of Yes by Mike Glenn. I am only a third through the book. Glenn definitely shares some great thoughts about the "yes" of God. Here are a few quotes from my reading:

"We are on earth to fulfill the dreams God had for his masterpiece: creation."

"And because we don't know the stories of God, we don't know God, which leads to our misunderstanding his intentions."

"In every no, God finds a way to say yes."

"even when there is good reason for God to say no, he chooses yes. Then he finds a way-working with highly flawed people-to accomplish his plans."

"God has decided to overcome every no of humanity with his powerful and persistent yes."

"But God is more than just a Divine Judge of Right and Wrong."

"How does God temper his justice with mercy? The answer is Jesus, the God-Man."

"Jesus took into himself the no of our sin and died in God's mercy to we might find our yes in him."

"I want you to know that the yes of Christ spoken on the cross covers whatever no you may have heard before."


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