Trust Fund Baby

Some more thoughts from Greater by Steven Furtick:

Scriptures to read: 2 Peter 1:4, 2 Corinthians 1:20, Romans 8:28

"You have your own trust fund set up too. When you pray for something and that particular thing doesn't happen, who's to say God isn't taking your faith and the prayers you prayed about that situation and posting them to another account in your life that you're going to see at a future time?"

"He's a reliable manager of anything that is entrusted to Him. Including our very lives."

"Everyone experiences what seem to be unanswered prayers. But in God's economy, no one's faith is ever wasted."

"That's how you send your situation upstairs for further review--by drawing near to God and focusing on His faithfulness."

"Most of us give up too soon on the greater life God has for us. Don't lost hope. With God, nothing in your life is ever beyond resuscitation."

"God is too faithful to waste your faith. He is too wise to make a mistake. He is too loving to disregard your heart. And He is overseeing every prayer you pray, making good on every promise He has made."


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