Why We Worship from Creature of the Word

On Thursday, I continued reading from Chapter 2 of Creature of the Word by Chandler, Patterson and Geiger. My blue highlighter is running out of ink. This chapter was full of gospel truth and application. It will be a challenge but I will share just a few quotes to impact your head and heart.

"When we sin, we are ultimately worshipping something other than God, placing an idol on the throne of our lives."

"Therefore, unconfessed sin is actually the foolish decision to run away from our healing and growth rather than toward it."

"Worship flourishes when people know this--when we know who we are, know who He is, and then stare into that massive, terrifying gap that Jesus has filled with blood-bought grace and forgiveness."

"Understanding God's nature in a deep way should lead to an emotive response that creates an even deeper hunger to meditation on Him all the more. The mind and the heart feed each other."

"Private worship excites us for times of public worship."

"Only the gospel can grip our hearts with this kind of ongoing, unending awe. Only the gospel can cause grateful praise to flow, and keep flowing, and never stop flowing from our lips. Therefore, your gatherings must be soaked in the gospel. Everything from the music, to the teaching, to the observance of the ordinances-all of it must unashamedly, explicitly, point people to Jesus and what He has done. Otherwise, the Creature suffers."


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